What do UCF’s business relationships mean to you?
This resource provides UCF employees with policies, expectations, guidelines, and best practices regarding university business relationships that require your support. For information on additional business partnerships, please visit our Partners page.
What is exclusivity?
University business relationships provide cost savings, convenience, vendor accountability, and other benefits to the university. In the case of exclusive business contracts, all members and entities of the university community are required to use products or services only through the contracted company.
Exclusive contracts provide many benefits to the university, including co-branding opportunities, financial and other benefits to our students, services and benefits to university departments or facilities, and more.
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Pouring Rights, Exclusive Contract
- Only Coca Cola products may be sold, promoted, or served on campus
In a partnership established in 1999, the Coca-Cola Company has exclusive pouring rights at UCF. This includes drinks served (whether purchased or donated) at meetings and university events & activities and waters used in departmental emergency kits.
UCF’s partnership with Coca-Cola has many benefits, including significant financial support in the form of sponsorship and promotions.

Barnes & Noble, Exclusive Contract
Barnes & Noble is the contracted provider of all textbooks and course materials. Faculty and departments must first work through the bookstore for provision of all such materials. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary cases with prior approval of the contract administrator and Barnes & Noble.
Solicitation for bookstores other than Barnes & Noble is not permitted in departments or classrooms.
Faculty who are approached by any bookstore other than Barnes & Noble to present cost savings or other deals to classes (or who are approached by any entity wanting to solicit, give away or sell items, or promote their business) should contact 407-823-2624 or direct the business entity to contact that number for information.
Faculty or staff who are approached by publishers should also contact 407-823-2624 or direct the publisher to contact that number.
The university has partnered with Barnes & Noble since 1999 to be the primary source of academic supplies. This relationship brings substantial benefits to the university community including significant financial support and student scholarships. In addition, the Barnes & Noble provides students with affordable textbooks ranging from new, used, and digital and is one of the largest campus providers for student employment.

UCF Branding on Printed Items
- New employee name badges should be purchased through The Spot
- Stationery and business cards should be purchased through UCF Print Shop.
The Spot and UCF Print Shop have worked closely with UCF Marketing to ensure the new UCF Branding is consistent across all printed materials.

Promotional Items
- Employees should use licensed vendors for design and production of promotional items.
UCF Licensing oversees and approves correct marks (logos) through licensed vendors to ensure quality in adherence to branding policy.

UCF Print Shop
- All print jobs not produced on department, unit, or division devices must be forwarded to UCF Print Shop.
- All print jobs, including those produced by departments, units, or divisions on their respective devices, must meet UCF Graphic Standards.
UCF Print Shop ensures cost effective printing for UCF while maintaining UCF branding and graphic standards on all print jobs produced by university entities. UCF Print Shop is a full-service printer. Most jobs are done on the UCF property providing prompt service and exemplary customer support. UCF Print Shop manages the bidding and evaluation process for any print jobs that are done by external print agencies.
A central clearinghouse of quality assurance provides UCF with consistency as well as significant cost savings. It also provides our departments with a one-stop-shop for finding the most cost-effective printing options.

Solicitation on Campus
- Employees are required to comply with the restrictions on solicitation for for-profit or non-university affiliated entities.
- Special note: Political solicitation or endorsement by any university entity or employee working on behalf of the university, or using university resources, is strictly prohibited.
Solicitation is prohibited on campus without prior approval.
Violations include:
- Businesses who approach faculty for the opportunity to speak to classes
- Vendors who sell or market products on campus
- Businesses who post unapproved flyers and posters in our buildings.
UCF Business Services is the primary authority for approving solicitation on campus.
Solicitation is centrally governed to protect students, faculty, and staff.

Catering on Campus
- All university departments and groups will use university-approved catering services.
- Homemade food (such as baked goods or potluck items) cannot be served except for small, department-specific (only open to members of that unit) events. All employees bringing food to share in their departments must review the Food Hygiene Code.
Caterers serving the university community are vetted to ensure license validation, food safety, and other essential criteria for providing quality, safe food on campus. If your preferred caterer is not on the list, contact Business Services to ask about the process for approval.
Note that some campus venues or rooms may have additional policies governing the use of certain caterers. Please reach out to the corresponding event coordinators in the event space in which you would like to have catering services for more information.
Self-catering (potlucks, homemade food) is prohibited from any event serving more than a small group from a specific department, student organization, or other university unit.
Any event that will include more than 400 participants or has any potential hazards (pedestrian impediments, sport events, staged events) will require a SAFE Form.
A convenient list of caterers that have already been vetted saves you time while reducing liability to the university.

Copier Services
- Ensure compliance with university policy and data security standards, including management of hard drives in copiers where sensitive data may be stored.
All copiers provided through the university’s contract with Toshiba are in compliance with university policy and data security standards, to include hard drives within the copier machines. For questions about contract units, visit UCF Copier Services.
Any departments using non-contract copiers need to be aware that the hard drives within them may contain university sensitive data and require special handling when replacing or disposing of the units. You must contact Information Security at InfoSec@ucf.edu for guidance before disposing of any non-contract copier unit.
Minimizing data security risk is everyone’s responsibility.